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Non Formal Education International Seminar (NFEIS)

It is our honour to invite and welcome you to The Non Formal Education International Seminar (NFEIS) 2021. NFEIS 2021 is an event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent international platform for the academicians, researchers, and students around the world to share their research findings with the global experts. NFEIS will be held online on 15th July, 2021 hosted by Department of Non Formal Education Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Padang.

  • Non Formal Education International Seminar (NFEIS)

    July 15, 2021 – July 16, 2021

    Welcome to NFEIS 1st 2021

    It is our honour to invite and welcome you to The Non Formal Education International Seminar (NFEIS) 2021. NFEIS 2021 is an event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent international platform for the academicians, researchers, and students around the world to share their research findings with the global experts. NFEIS will be held online on 15th June, 2021 hosted by Department of Non Formal Education Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Padang.

    Theme : "The Existence of Non-Formal Education in Community Empowerment during and Post Pandemic COVID-19


    The corona virus (COVID-19) has spread globally since it was firstly emerged in Wuhan, China. The education system is only a part that is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It force change on many spheres of society and certainly has shown how communities around the globe adapted to unforeseen circumstances of an unprecedented magnitude.

    In the educational field, the pandemic demand flexible approaches to ensure that learning could continue in diverse context. It also has highlighted the critical need for learner support not just for academics matters but also for general well-being. These practices have existed long within the context on Non Formal education.


    Non Formal Education Seminar will be a celebration of community empowerment, a discipline and practice that seeks to nurture the enduring community-based education that holds communities together during and post-COVID 19 pandemic. One of the goals of the Non Formal Education Seminar (NFEIS) 2021 is to give specialists an international stage to distribute research discoveries in the field of Non formal education from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective.  The Non Formal Education International Seminar aims to give researchers, students, and delegates to communicate and share their expertise and to share and discuss new ideas, experiences, and new policies that are useful in empowering community in times of COVID-19 and beyond. The discussion material comes from various background studies such as administration, policy, economics, development, society and culture, vocational education, non-formal education, and basic education or another studies relevant to the discussion of community empowerment. The scopes of this conference include the following topic, but are not limited to:

    1. Empowerment in tourism and creative economy program
    2. Youth empowerment
    3. Agriculture community empowerment
    4. Family and women empowerment
    5. Empowerment of people with disabilities
    6. Innovation and digitalization of learning
    7. Early childhood stimulation development
    8. Communities health literacy development

    The expected output of the conference

    1. Participants understand about current issues on non formal education
    2. Participants understand about the roles and challenges on the implementation of non formal education from different countries.
    3. Participants understand the strategies implemented by various countries on strengthening the role of non formal education for community empowerment during COVID-19 Pandemic.
    4. Participants understand the opportunity on developing non formal education program for building resilience communities during and post COVID-19 Pandemic.


    1. Organizers

      Department of Non Formal Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang
    2. Personal in Charge

    Scientific Committee

    • Prof. Dr. Solfema, M.Pd. (CSC)
    • Prof. Dr. Jamaris, M.Pd.
    • Dr. Ismaniar, M.Pd

    Organizing Committee

    • Zahratul Azizah, M.Pd. (COC)

    The Date, Time, and Venue

    Day, Date

    : July 15th, 2021


    : 08.00-18.00 local time


    : Zoom Aplication and Live Streaming on Youtube


    Lecturers, researchers, practitioners, students who interest in community development within non-formal education perspectives during and post COVID-19 pandemic.

    Keynote Speakers


    Prof. Takahashi Mitsuru

    Community Learning Center Japan Women’s University Japan

    Dr. Archanya Ratana-Ubol

    Head of The Department of Lifelong Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalangkorn University General Secretary of the East Asia Federation for Adult Education

    Prof. Dr. Hafid Abbas

    Department of Community Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

    Dr. Setiawati, M.Si

    Department of Non Formal Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang

    Call papers presenters

    The presenter selected by the committee based on the paper accepted. The presenters are from the various background studies.

    Important Dates:

    Abstract submission

    deadline: July 8, 2021

    Abstract acceptance notification

    deadline: July 9, 2021

    Full paper submission

    deadline: July 14, 2021

    Conference day

    deadline: July 15, 2021





    Lili Dasa (+62 813 6537 8566)

    Reza Gusmanti (+62 852 7113 9819)

    Thank you

    The Chairman of NFEIS 1 st 2021
    Zahratul Azizah